Administration: support in managing income and expenses
It may sound familiar to caregivers: someone in your surroundings is not (entirely) capable to manage his or her income and expenses adequately. Your concerns might call you to offer help, by managing their financial affairs. However if this -understandably so- costs you too much time, effort or energy, appointing a certified administrator is also a solution.
This article explains how administration works in the Netherlands, and shows you if it might be a solution for you or someone you have concerns about.

What is administration?
Administration, simply put, is a measure with which people who are incapable of managing their own finances, are protected. By giving someone else the legal responsibility over their financial affairs, debts may be cleared and new financial problems are prevented.
For whom is administration meant?
Administration is meant for adults that are not or no longer capable of taking care of their own financial affairs due to a physical or mental condition. If this is the case for someone in your surroundings, then administration is a solution.
For example, you can apply for administration for a parent or partner suffering from dementia, your adult child with down syndrome, a friend with a progressive disease or a family member that suffers from the consequences of an addiction.
Also, an administrator can help in a professional setting. For example to help a client of yours that has gotten lost in their finances or an employee whose wages have been seized.
Also when someone has squandered their income or are in debt and are not capable to manage their finances in a responsible way, you can call upon the help of an administrator. For those that have tax debts, an excessive spending pattern or have more expenses than income, administration can contribute to a solution significantly.
How does administration work?
When you are involved with someone that is not capable of managing their own financial affairs, albeit because of a physical or mental condition, squandering or not (entirely) being capable of managing their finances adequately, you can apply for administration. When you have lost control of your own financial situation yourself, applying for administration can offer help.
The procedure for administration in the Netherlands consists of the following steps:
- The application
A request for administration is submitted with the district court. They determine ultimately if administration is granted. The journey starts with downloading, filling in and sending this form (in Dutch). With this you give the judge the necessary information and attachments surrounding the situation of those for whom you are applying; the involved. Read the explanation (in Dutch) first, attach the requested documents and mail the documents to a district court in your region (in Dutch). For a lot of people, applying for administration can be a considerable and difficult obstacle. Aeslupa can help with this. When the request for support arises after the intake, we will do the application together.
- The hearing
When the application has been sent out, you will receive an invitation for a hearing. You, the involved, any other involved parties and the suggested administrator will be present at the hearing. During the hearing those present will be informed, questions will be answered and their opinion regarding the situation will be requested. Aeslupa will always go with you to a hearing with a joint application, to support you.
- The verdict
A verdict regarding the appointment will follow in writing after the hearing. When the application is denied, you can appeal (in Dutch) this decision. When the administration is granted, the administration will go into effect immediately after receiving the verdict. The district court will inform you about the period of the administration and determines what the fee of the administrator will be (in Dutch). This is the moment that the financial care will be transferred and you, after a sigh in relief, can focus on other things.
Receiving help
Do you need administrative help, or do you consider handing over your financial administration? We are more than happy to help you!
Moneywood's sister company Aeslupa offers support by taking on these financial responsibilities. Aeslupa unburdens caregivers and supports those involved in a humane as well as a professional manner.
Please contact us for any questions or more information about administration by Aeslupa.